Media 115 – Module 5 – Weekly Essay


Before starting this class, I had no idea that such a thing existed. I was stunned when I watched this film. I could not believe how good it was for how long ago it was produced. As I watched it, I realized that everywhere you look in the film industry today, you can see evidence of inspiration from this title.

I learned a lot in the other videos that accompanied it as well. I found it very interesting how much of a perfectionist Fritz Lang was. It sounds like it would have been brutal to be an actor on the set of this movie. I also find it interesting how it does such a great job portraying modern-day society in a metaphorical sense. Watching this film really makes you sit and wonder to yourself, “is that what I am? Just a cog in the machine?”

Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” would go on to influence many different well-known filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock. You can see resemblance of sets, shots, and filming methods in movies such as Blade Runner, Star Wars, and so on. This film was the first of it’s kind and a true masterpiece. It truly set the standard for modern-day filmmaking.