Media 275 – Module 10 – Weekly Essay

What Has Changed For Me?

I can’t say that a whole lot has changed for me since I started this course. I feel like I had already put in a lot of the work in my social media effort before this class. However, I feel that my knowledge has been expanded and my skills have been refined. I have learned how to use new social media platforms that I had no idea how to use before. Learning how to use these new platforms will help me expand my social media presence and audience.

During this course, I have also learned how to engage my audience and connect with them on a more effective level. I have learned new tools and techniques when it comes to my social media endeavors. I have learned that there is a difference between marketing and advertising, and what that difference is. I learned the importance of creating meaningful content for my audience instead of always trying to sell them something.

I must say that I learned a lot from the required textbooks for this course. I still have lots of reading to do in them both, but I have already learned how to use a template when creating a social media marketing strategy and how to build a unique blogging site with the power of WordPress. I am very thankful for all that I have learned in this course from the instructors, the classmates, and the readings!