
What is edutainment you ask? Why, it is the delivery of education while the viewer is also being entertained. The best example of this in my own memory goes back to my childhood. I won’t ever forget watching those videos in elementary school classes. Bill Nye the Science Guy. It’s hard to just say that without singing it like it was sang in the renowned television show’s hip, upbeat intro sequence.

Bill Nye certainly mastered this technique. He delivered short and sweet bits of valuable information to young viewers while often acting somewhat silly to add a factor of humor to the mix. This formula keeps things from getting stale. We tend to to tune things out when they become slow-paced, repetitive, or not as stimulating.

This day in age, we need that constant stimuli to keep our brains engaged. I apply this same method when I create training videos for the company I work at. I always try to incorporate some type of mild humor in it to keep the viewers engaged. This also ensures that they are always paying attention and willing to watch the videos in the first place because they can expect to see some funny twist on what would normally be a very dry and boring topic.