Media 111 – Module 6 – Weekly Essay

Babel Fish and Moore’s Law

The good ol’ Babel fish! Little did Douglas Adams know that this fictional piece of technology he came up with would be a very real and useable technology in the future. I wonder what he would think about this if he were still here today! This awesome tech comes in many forms. You can get yourself a handheld instant translation device, headphones or earbuds that translate right into your ear (not as painful and uncomfortable as putting a fish in there), download apps for your smartphone that translate audio of one language into another in text, or even go online to Google translate in a web browser and type in what you wish to be translated. This technology has a beautiful impact on society. It helps remove the language barrier between different peoples. This is especially important for someone like myself who as a content creator, have a responsibility to ensure that all of my productions and works are easy to access, navigate, and understand, no matter what race or ethnicity you are. 

According to the article provided, Moore’s law implies that every 2 years the amount of transistors per square inch on chips doubles. This law has held true for quite some time now. However, they are beginning to think it may be taking 2.5 years for the doubling of the transistors. I feel that this essentially means that the limits and capabilities of technology are doubling every 2-2.5 years. That is mind-blowing to say the very least. 

Handheld translating device to an external site.

Translating earbuds to an external site.

Translation app for smartphone to an external site.

Google translate