Media 111 – Module 7 – Weekly Essay

Movement in Film & Video

You learn something new everyday! I had no idea that Vincent Van Gogh, the famous artist, struggled with mental illness. Not only this, but he incorporated something into his works of art that nobody else had done before, probably without even realizing it! He was able to display fluid turbulence in his paintings. This baffled many brilliant minds for years to come. Van Gogh wasn’t anybody special. Some of his most famous work was created while he was a guest at an asylum! This shows that anybody can go on to be produce great works, no matter what your story is. This is definitely inspirational. If I was trying to create content that inspired and moved people, I would try to create unique works of art.

The same goes for movement in film and video. The viewer is given a chance to see that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and great things can happen sometimes to any one of us if we are willing to put in the effort. Those great things can even happen by accident as well! The story of the invention of the Post-It note was a great example of this. Go out there, be yourself, and inspire!