“Caffeine” Production

This was originally a video I had created for a different project in a different class, but it fits the bill! I asked myself, “What motivates me?” While there were more important things such as fatherhood, happiness, financial stability, and so on, I have to remember that none of those things would even be possible in the first place without caffeine! Therefore, I made a few tweaks to this video for this project. Here are the storyboards for it. There was no script since there wasn’t actually any dialogue.

Storyboard 1 of 2
Storyboard 2 of 2

Inspirational Education

Here are three documentaries that I found to be inspiring. The first is titled, “The God Delusion”, by evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins. In the film, Dawkins sets out on an adventure to document the absurdities of religion as we know it. He interviews preachers, priests, televangelists, creationist activists, and more. I think I have Richard Dawkins to thank for what I would call a revelation. It is his works that helped me get to where I stand today as far as theological views are concerned.

Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion

Another documentary I loved, was Neil Degrasse Tyson’s take on Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos”. I spent countless hours watching this series when it first came out. I do remember receiving harsh backlash from religious groups, which I found interesting. It wasn’t just the content of the series that was intriguing, it was also the way it was delivered. Neil Degrasse Tyson was very inspirational in his presentation. Even at 30 years old, he made me want to run out and pursue a degree in astrophysics. It wasn’t until today that I discovered he actually made another follow up to it as well in 2020. I will certainly be checking that out!!!

Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: Possible Worlds trailer

I couldn’t come up with a documentary about an inventor, artist, or leader that I had seen off the top of my head, but I did watch one recently about multiple different world leaders. It was a documentary about how the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. I found it very informative and it inspired me to stay more up to date on politics and current affairs. I’d also be lying if I said it didn’t inspire me to want to join the CIA, but let’s be realistic here.

HBO’s Agents of Chaos trailer