Media 275 – Module 9 – Weekly Essay

Hermann Brothers & Community Events

As the social media manager for Hermann Brothers, there are some types of community events that appeal to me and the company. I will cover three of them.

The first is parades. The parades give us a chance to showcase our equipment. It gives the community a chance to see that we keep our equipment updated. It’s helpful for potential new drivers to see what kind of a truck or trailer they might be using if they were to apply with the company. If it is a newer, faster, cleaner, and well taken care of truck, they are much more likely to apply.

Secondly, job fairs! Job fairs are a perfect place to not only hope to encounter current CDL holders and educate them about the company. Of course, most people attending the job fair will likely not have a CDL. This is perfectly okay, though! This gives us an opportunity to educate people about how to go about obtaining their CDL. This could be looked at as an investment on the company’s part.

Lastly, an open-house type of event. We could host an event where we use social media to advertise and invite potentially interested individuals to come look at our equipment and speak with company representatives about working for Hermann Brothers. We would also have current drivers there to share their testimony with attendees.