Media 275 – Module 7 – Weekly Essay

Hermann Brothers ROI

As the manager of the social media accounts for the company, Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction, I have a major goal in mind. That goal is to market the company to the truck driver community, both in the surrounding local area, and the regional area of the Greater Pacific Northwest. I market the company to them in the hopes of making the company seem appealing to them so that they apply to become a driver with us. That is our return on investment. The acquisition of new, safe, decent commercial drivers.

I would say that I would measure the company’s return on investment by taking the amount of capital I have spent on our different methods and platforms of advertising and divide that by the number of drivers who apply with the company because they heard about it through one of those methods or platforms. If I wanted to refine those results even further, I could do this just for a certain time period, maybe like over a 30-day period. I could also remove new drivers who don’t stay with the company for a certain amount of time to find results that are more focused on drivers that are actually going to stay with the company for an extended period of time. I would then take the amount of profit available and compare that to the cost of finding the drivers to see if it is worth continuing to do it this way. However, seeing profit numbers is above my paygrade and not information that is available to me, so I will leave that part of the equation up to someone higher up than myself.

Media 115 – Module 7 – Weekly Essay

Special FX!

Special effects have been used in film for a long time now. They can be used to convey messages, portray emotions, heighten action, and most importantly, can take something that would normally be physically in the real world and make it seem like it is really happening. This can be achieved by many means and methods. Some well-known examples would include The Ten Commandments, Terminator 2, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Wars, The Thing, and Blade Runner.

A couple specific examples I have listed for my blog would be the opening White House breach scene from the 2003 film, “X-Men 2”, and the scene from “Game of Thrones”, where Dany rescues Jon Snow and company from the white walkers on the frozen lake. I have included links for those scenes and behind the scenes clips for both as well.

I like the special effects used in the “X-Men 2” scene because they are fast paced, they accentuate the action taking place, they are used to transition between shots, and they really help catch the audience’s attention when beginning the film.

“X-Men 2” – White House Breach Scene
“X-Men 2” – Behind the Scenes

The reason I picked the scene from “Game of thrones” is because it uses colors, music, and special effects to make a dramatic entrance for the dragons. They chose to use the complementary colors of blue and orange, an emotion-striking soundtrack, and special effects that really emphasize the finer details of the flying dragons and their movements.
“Game of Thrones” – Frozen Lake Scene
“Game of Thrones” – Behind the Scenes


Media 115 – Module 6 – Transition & Transformation Video Project


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M: “I was going to go by myself…”

——Jesse walks over to Kelly and gets his attention——–

J: “Here, let me show you something.”

M: “I was single, and I was like this sounds like an adventure. I’m gonna do it safe but I’ve never done anything by myself.”





R: “What in the actual fuck is going on in here? What are you doing?! Ohhh Lord.”

M: “This is just normal in our house.”

R: “Great. Great.”

Media 115 – Module 6 – Weekly Essay

The Influence of “Metropolis”

Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” has been a source of influence and inspiration for an extremely long time now. I have found an interesting example of this. It can be found in the official music video for the song “From the Pinnacle to the Pit”, by the Swedish rock band, Ghost. I have included the video with this essay.

It is not possible to watch this music video and not see how it has been influenced by “Metropolis”. It shares the same retro sci-fi vision of a futuristic city. It also shows what appears to be an elite class living in the top of a high-rise while all the workers live on the ground level. Amongst this elite class, there is a very obviously influential female figure. There are also some comparable looking shots and scenery inside the high-rise. Towards the end of the music video, it shows the singer of the band at ground level exclaiming that “the light belongs to the people”. The music video ends right after this, but if it hadn’t, I would say that he would have possibly just started a revolt amongst the “workers” at ground level.

I am sure that the footage in this music video is taken from another old film, that was also inspired, in itself, by Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis”.

Media 115 – Module 5 – Weekly Essay


Before starting this class, I had no idea that such a thing existed. I was stunned when I watched this film. I could not believe how good it was for how long ago it was produced. As I watched it, I realized that everywhere you look in the film industry today, you can see evidence of inspiration from this title.

I learned a lot in the other videos that accompanied it as well. I found it very interesting how much of a perfectionist Fritz Lang was. It sounds like it would have been brutal to be an actor on the set of this movie. I also find it interesting how it does such a great job portraying modern-day society in a metaphorical sense. Watching this film really makes you sit and wonder to yourself, “is that what I am? Just a cog in the machine?”

Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” would go on to influence many different well-known filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock. You can see resemblance of sets, shots, and filming methods in movies such as Blade Runner, Star Wars, and so on. This film was the first of it’s kind and a true masterpiece. It truly set the standard for modern-day filmmaking.