“Hope 4PA” Version 1.0 + Storyboards & Script

Version 1.0

I still have so much to do to this video. It’s a work in progress!!!


I didn’t actually write out a script for this video because of the manner in which I had shot it, but I did write a list of questions for my interviewees:


  • Tell me your story. What brought you here? What started all of this?
  • What is 4PA? Is it a non-profit? How does it work? What all do you do?
  • What is the process of cleaning up a site? Where does all of the garbage go?
  • How has the community responded to your efforts?
  • Have you encountered any hurdles or setbacks throughout all of this?
  • What drives you to get up every day and go out there to do what you do?
  • Is the organization growing?
  • I think everyone in this city very much appreciates what you and your crew are out there doing, but what do you think the root of all of this is? What do you think we can do to address that?
  • What is your vision for the future of 4PA? What is your end-goal with the organization?
  • What can our viewers do if they would like to help with the effort?


  • Tell me your story. What led you to become a part of 4PA?
  • What is your role within the organization?
  • What is your vision for the future of 4PA?


  • Tell me your story. What led you to become a part of 4PA? What is your role here?
  • What’s a typical clean-up patrol day look like for you?
  • What do you like about doing this? Is it rewarding?


  • Tell me your story. What led you to become a part of 4PA? What is your role here?
  • What do you like about doing this? Is it rewarding?

ANY VOLUNTEER WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE (Optional but at least one would be good)

  • What led you to want to volunteer with 4PA?
  • What do you like about doing this? Is it rewarding?


  • Who are you? What company are you from?
  • What led you to want to sponsor 4PA?
  • Why did you do so?


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