Media 115 – Module 1 – Essay

I absolutely feel that the film, “The Way Things Go”, is art. I also feel that it has influenced artists and filmmakers for many years now. According to an article from, Fischli and Weiss, the creators of the film, “successfully managed to transform the mundane into transformative artworks. Overall, their work through the years helped demonstrate that irony and sincerity are two components that cannot survive or occur without each other.”

I feel that this can be seen in a lot of abstract art that can be seen in today’s galleries and museums. It can also be seen in a lot of today’s films. This film also helped inspire filmmakers to become more creative in “setting up the stage” as you might call it and being prepared for what comes next. I could also see this film going on to be inspiration for many cinematographers to catch those very lengthy single take shots.

As far as a favorite film being inspirational to me, I am going to go with Hot Rod starring Andy Samberg. I feel that the combination of humor, retro late 80’s feel, and epic soundtrack, inspired me to make funny videos of my own. Of course, I feel I could use a lot improvement on them still, though.