Media 115 – Module 3 – Essay

To the average Joe, it can be very easy to forget, or to not even realize in the first place, just how much time goes into perfecting a soundtrack during video production, or the importance of doing so. It may seem to a common member of the audience that the audio is a small fraction of the overall production, but this is far from the truth. It is much more.

Audio helps the audience develop a much stronger emotional connection with their favorite characters, relationships, settings, and situations. It does this by using voices, music, and sound effects. These elements prove to add more depth to the finished product versus a silent film with no audio or poorly edited audio. However, silence can be a powerful tool in the right situation. Take horror or thriller films for example. Ever notice how it goes dead silent right before they try to jolt you with one of those jump scares?

My favorite soundtrack would probably have to be from the film, “Inception”. I choose this because of how empowering the music is. I feel that Hans Zimmer did a beautiful job. The notes resonate with me almost on an emotional level. I absolutely love how the thematic score continues to reprise itself throughout the film while building up as the plot comes to a head.