Media 275 – Module 10 – Social Media Marketing Assessment

When it comes to being a metaliterate prosumer and a good digital citizen, I feel I have learned how to be responsible, respectful, and accountable in my methods of delivery and engagement on a social media level. I have learned how to do this using a variety of tools such as Facebook, Instagram, Blogging via WordPress, and so on.

I was already using WordPress to build and maintain the website for Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction. However, during this class, I have increased my knowledge and skill with the platform tenfold. I built my own personal blog with WordPress and incorporated some widgets into it as well as linked social media accounts. Now, I can write about something and share my feelings with my audience there as well as my audience on twitter. I can do this with the click of a button!

I am proud to say that since beginning this class, I have enriched and strengthened my social media marketing strategy and have created ads for Facebook, Instagram, and more, and had unbelievable results from it. I am directly and effectively interacting and engaging with a community of commercial truck drivers who may potentially be interested in coming to work for Hermann Brothers thanks to the insight I have gained from this course.

Hermann Bros. Facebook Ad