My Ultimate Level-Up

I would have to say that I had a couple different perspective widening experiences with media. The first was when I was in Stevens Middle School in 6th grade. We would watch a daily news broadcast on the TVs in the classrooms. The broadcast was produced by the 8th grade students in Mr. Edwards’ Advanced Media Technology class. I immediately knew what I wanted to do when I got to 8th grade. I thought it was so cool that we could produce things like this as an 8th grader. Next thing you know, I was in that very class when I was an 8th grader. I stood out from the rest of the class though. I didn’t help produce the daily segment with everyone else. I was off working on my own weekly segment called “The Jesse Report”.

The second experience was more recently as an adult. This hit me once I realized there was potential for me to practice my media production skills at my current job. This got me back into the game. I had a newfound desire to chase my dreams once again. After heading down this path, I started to discover all of the technological advances we have made in media production since I was in that Advanced Media class in middle school. I hadn’t really kept up with the times to be honest.

What type of player am I, you ask? Why, I am definitely a cross between the achiever and the explorer. I love playing games like Bethesda’s Fallout & Elder Scrolls series plus the entire Assassin’s Creed franchise. The AC games are great for the integration of historical events, landmarks, and locations into a fictional storyline. These games offer a huge open world that is ripe with many different locations to discover, quests to complete, and collectibles to find.

I want to level up in life by completing the Multimedia Communications program at Peninsula College and seeing what the future brings.

Side note: I had really hoped to find an old video on YouTube of the Stevens News Network from back in the day, but had no luck.