Media 275 – Module 2 – Essay

I manage all of the social media accounts for Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction, a trucking company out of the Port Angeles area. My main goal in doing so is advertising for hiring potential new truck drivers. I currently already use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I use Facebook quite a bit. Not so much Instagram, and very little when it comes to LinkedIn. However, after reviewing the infographics, I feel that it might be very beneficial to add Google plus to that list. I am an amateur when it comes to managing social media accounts on a professional business level. I still need to refine my strategy some.

Here is what I would like to do with Hermann Brothers’ accounts. I would like to get establish a better footing in LinkedIn and get all set up on Google Plus. Then I would like to research how to use those two apps better and become proficient at using them. Then I will dedicate more time every week to designing graphic ads to post to these accounts. Maybe one every week or two. I would also like to upload pictures and other content at least 2-3 times a week, and be good about responding in a timely manner when someone attempts to communicate with the company accounts. I want to gain a bigger following with these accounts and engage them more.

Media 115 – Module 2 – Essay Blog Post

Filmmakers and directors often have their own image system. Whether it be just for a specific film, or for all of their work entirely. They use the system for a number of things. One being to establish connections between certain characters, places, and things in a film. They may do this by using certain colors, shots, angles, editing techniques, audio, and more. Sometimes their image system can be so subtle that it’s hard for a even a trained eye to point out these indicators. Other times, it can be so obvious that anybody and everybody can notice it.

I do not have the time to watch enough movies to completely familiarize myself with a director’s image system, unfortunately. However, I can name off a few that I know of and enjoy. J.J. Abrams is great, along with Quentin Tarantino. I like Quentin Tarantino’s bizarre style of randomness. I really do enjoy Frank Miller’s films such as “Sin City” and “The Spirit”. I love the image system he uses in these films and the style they were shot in. It could be classified as dark film noir. I really like the way he shot everything in black and white in “Sin City”, but highlighted some of the colors.