Universal Design & STEAM

Team Starship Zenith

Basically, universal design is the concept that everything should be as accessible as possible for everyone.

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it
we go nowhere. – Carl Sagan, Cosmos, 1980.

STEAM is a type of teaching/learning that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math. These fields of study and industry hold the keys to the future of humanity.

Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. – Rosalind

Both of these things are crucial because they ensure that we both continue to become more technologically advanced as a society and species, and that everyone is able to use the technology.

Why is STEAM education important?

What is universal design?

Full STEAM Ahead

STEAM is taught at several schools in Virginia’s Fairfax County School District, including the Mount Vernon High School in Alexandria, VA.

Links to other teammates’ STEAM pages:

UD 1: Equitable Use – Rebecca A.

UD 2: Flexibility in Use – Catherine B.

UD 3: Simple and Intuitive Use – Jorene D.

UD 4: Perceptible Information – Jesse S.

UD 5: Tolerance for Error – Kathryn C.

UD 6: Low Physical Effort – Jeff S.

UD 7: Size and Space for Approach and Use – Ruby R.