When it comes to STEM majors, we are taught that getting good grades, going above and beyond and constantly striving for success with determine whether or not we will make it in these groundbreaking fields.

But what if that’s not the case?

Everyone needs a little leeway every once in a while, after all, we are only human, and people make mistakes. That’s where tolerance for error comes in…

Tolerance for error is basically a failsafe if something goes wrong, like a plan B. We see it when stoplights go out (people treat it as a 4 way stop), when the power goes out (a backup generator), and even in big Broadway shows when a major actor gets sick (an understudy).

The truth of the matter is that no matter how perfect we think things are, we can’t plan for every outcome, but we can plan for the most likely one. This key universal design gives us the opportunity to reflect, plan, and overcome all while making sure we don’t stress ourselves out.

Our own college is giving us the tools to learn about Tolerance for error! Although there is not an exact class about it, Professors and staff are giving students support to fall back on if we make mistakes. They are taking safety measures to make sure the college is safe in almost all worst-case scenarios, and making sure students have the tools to succeed in classes!

Content provided by: Kathryn Curtis – https://kathryncurtiscreations.wordpress.com/tolerance-for-error/