“Hope 4PA” Version 1.0 + Storyboards & Script

Version 1.0

I still have so much to do to this video. It’s a work in progress!!!


I didn’t actually write out a script for this video because of the manner in which I had shot it, but I did write a list of questions for my interviewees:


  • Tell me your story. What brought you here? What started all of this?
  • What is 4PA? Is it a non-profit? How does it work? What all do you do?
  • What is the process of cleaning up a site? Where does all of the garbage go?
  • How has the community responded to your efforts?
  • Have you encountered any hurdles or setbacks throughout all of this?
  • What drives you to get up every day and go out there to do what you do?
  • Is the organization growing?
  • I think everyone in this city very much appreciates what you and your crew are out there doing, but what do you think the root of all of this is? What do you think we can do to address that?
  • What is your vision for the future of 4PA? What is your end-goal with the organization?
  • What can our viewers do if they would like to help with the effort?


  • Tell me your story. What led you to become a part of 4PA?
  • What is your role within the organization?
  • What is your vision for the future of 4PA?


  • Tell me your story. What led you to become a part of 4PA? What is your role here?
  • What’s a typical clean-up patrol day look like for you?
  • What do you like about doing this? Is it rewarding?


  • Tell me your story. What led you to become a part of 4PA? What is your role here?
  • What do you like about doing this? Is it rewarding?

ANY VOLUNTEER WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE (Optional but at least one would be good)

  • What led you to want to volunteer with 4PA?
  • What do you like about doing this? Is it rewarding?


  • Who are you? What company are you from?
  • What led you to want to sponsor 4PA?
  • Why did you do so?


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Proposal – A Local Success Story


A Local Success Story

A five minute documentary that covers the history of the Hermann Brothers and their Port Angeles company.




Hermann Brothers is one of the biggest, most successful companies on the Olympic Peninsula. Let’s find out why.

Background & Need

The Hermanns started out as chicken farmers 70 years ago. Today they own a fleet of 140 commercial vehicles. The company has grown exponentially in the last several years. Producing a documentary about that will give them the opportunity to tell their story and explain what they did to accomplish that. This may also be used as a marketing tool to appeal to local residents that hold commercial driver licenses and inspire them to apply with Hermann Brothers for a driving position.

Approach, Form, & Style

This video will mostly consist of old photographs, old video footage, interviews, and narration. An interview with Bill Hermann will tell most of the story.

Shooting Schedule

May 8-19, 2023

Concept, development, and writing

May 25-26, 2023

Filming in Port Angeles:

Interview with Bill Hermann

Interview with Mike Hermann (possibly?)

Interview with Fred Hermann

May 27, 2023

Rough Cuts

May 29 – June 2, 2023

Filming in Port Angeles:

Filming at the Hermann Family Farm

Filming at the Hermann Brothers Yard

Filming at the truck shop

Filming at the wood chipping plant

Filming of the trucks on the road

June 5, 2023

Rough Cuts

June 5, 2023 – June 16, 2023


June 8, 2023

Submission of First Edit

June 11, 2023

Submission of Second Edit

June 16, 2023

Submission of Final Video


Hourly Rate…………………………………….$60

4 hours total filming…………………..…….$240

8 hours total editing……………………….$400

2 hour travel time…………………………….$120

3 hours concept & development………$180

Total hourly charges…………………………$1000

Miscellaneous Expenses

Lapel Mic and cord………………………..$15

Total Film Budget…………………….$1015

Audience, Marketing, & Distribution

Upon completion of the video, I plan to share it to both my own personal social media accounts and the company’s social media accounts. I will more than likely post it on the company website as well.


Jesse Seward is a lifelong resident of the Port Angeles area. He has had a passion for video production and multimedia in general since he was in middle school. He is also a current student in Peninsula College’s Multimedia Communications Program. He works for the local company, Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction and handles all of their digital media products as well.


Release forms will be required for all individuals shown in the film.


Jesse Seward

Hello World! I Know Where My Towel Is!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jesse Seward. I am currently enrolled in the Multimedia Communications program at Peninsula College to further my education and skillset, not only for my current job, but to also utilize in my personal life. I have always had an interest in the these areas. I certainly have a strong passion for video production.

I currently work for Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction in Port Angeles. I started off as a Commercial Truck Driver, but now I also have many other duties there as well. I built and maintain their website, manage all of their social media accounts, design ads for hiring new drivers, develop training videos, and train new drivers. I will include a link below to the training videos I have created for Hermann Brothers. I feel that my training videos are unique because I often try to add some form of mild humor to them to keep the viewer interested. Click here to see how I do that!

Here is another video I produced for Hermann Brothers:

Hear from some of our drivers!

Here are a couple examples of graphic ads I have created for them as well:

Driving Positions Open hiring ad
Join the Team! hiring ad

I would define success as chasing your dreams by picking a field of study that you have a passion for, and always giving it your all, even when things get tough.

P.S. Here is my towel. I don’t go anywhere without it. Never know when it might come in handy.