Respect & Responsibility

Those are two very strong words when it comes to the world of art and ingenuity. When it comes down to it, one of the biggest driving factors that inspires creativity is the incentive of recognition. I’m very sure that it would be completely devastating to spend countless hours, days, weeks, months, or years on a new project or piece of art, just to have someone else copy it and take all of the credit for it. I kindly ask anyone reading this to put themselves in that person’s shoes. Just imagine for a moment what that would feel like. It is absolutely inhumane if you ask me.

To be honest, I was very disrespectful and inconsiderate in the creative realm myself before taking these classes. I suppose I just hadn’t ever stopped to think about the fact that using copyrighted music in my video projects was rude, wrong, illegal, and disrespectful. I’m glad that I can see that now today and act accordingly. After all, if we don’t practice good ethics and let all responsibility go out the window, the incentive of recognition becomes compromised. With that jeopardized, the flame of inspiration may be short-lived in what could’ve or would’ve been potential new artists.

“Caffeine” Production

This was originally a video I had created for a different project in a different class, but it fits the bill! I asked myself, “What motivates me?” While there were more important things such as fatherhood, happiness, financial stability, and so on, I have to remember that none of those things would even be possible in the first place without caffeine! Therefore, I made a few tweaks to this video for this project. Here are the storyboards for it. There was no script since there wasn’t actually any dialogue.

Storyboard 1 of 2
Storyboard 2 of 2