Textbook Relevance

First off, I must say that Susan Weinschenk’s “100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People” is one of the best books I have ever read. I must admit that I still haven’t completely finished it, but I learned so much just after reading the first few sections. It touches on some very interesting points about the psychology when it comes to individuals and the user experience. To summarize the book in one sentence, I’d say don’t make things hard to do or read because most people only do or read things a certain way and most of the time they are very unwilling to put in more work than necessary when consuming information or enjoying an experience. This very much relates to our Hero’s Journey project because we are working with a virtual environment that is meant to be encouraging and engaging for the user. We want them to stay in the world and follow the path to the end to learn more about what they could pursue an education or career in. We have to pay attention to so many different details to ensure this happens. They are more than likely not going to stay or continue through the path if it isn’t easy and convenient to do so. If they have to go out of their way to try to figure out what to do or which way to go, they may give up. Society is very lazy today! That is just the truth of the matter.

The Watchmen graphic novel was also great. I still haven’t finished this either but not only is it an amazing original story but the way that the story is delivered is also brilliant. The graphic side of the novel certainly makes it a much more immersive experience which is exactly what we are trying to do with those who visit our virtual world for the Hero’s Journey.

Metaverse Madness

Virtual worlds, Second Life, and the Metaverse as a whole are very immersive experiences. This is because they immerse the user much more than an older type of medium such as just reading a book which leaves a lot open to the reader for interpretation. With something like Second Life, it is much more visual. Much more hands-on. The user can be whoever they want, whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want. It’s hard to beat the amount of freedom the user has to immerse themselves in this experience. In my opinion, the only thing keeping this from being a 100% realistic, fully immersive experience would be the fact that you can’t physically walk in the world of Second Life with your physical body and physically touch the items in it. A VR headset could be used to give the user the impression they are in the world and physically interacting with everything, but I would say that’s as close as we are going to get for now. Second Life is truly amazing. You can go into this digital world and get a job, build a house, sell the house, rent property, provide services for other users, you name it!

Even graphic novels are much more immersive than just reading a standard novel. The graphic novel paints pictures for the reader and helps them feel more like they are right there inside the story with the characters. Hence, an immersive experience.

My experience with virtual worlds is still pretty limited. I have some experience with it on the internet, in video games, and a little bit of time on Second Life now, but there is still so much I don’t know or understand about the metaverse. I must say that I am very excited to learn more about it. I’m only 33 years old right now. I can’t even imagine what our technology is going to be 40 years from now. It’s mind boggling to even think about.

Size Matters!

I want to start off by saying “100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People” is probably one of the most interesting books I have ever read. It’s a blessing when you are very interested in and intrigued by a textbook. It is so much easier to absorb the information and get as much out of it as possible! The section where the author is discussing the use of fonts covers several different reason why fonts matter and what they do for reader retention.

First off, the simplicity of the font allows the reader to easier recognize patterns in letters, words, and sentences. A lot of what we are doing when we are reading is actually just pattern recognition! For example, cursive can take longer to read because it may be harder for someone to recognize patterns compared to arial. It is also believed that if the font is harder to read, than the reader tends to perceive things such as written instructions for tasks to actually be harder to accomplish than if the font were more easily readable.

The author also states that we should keep font size in mind. They explain differing perceived font sizes due to the x-height of the font. This is the height of the lowercase letter x. This can vary between fonts and make them appear to be different sizes when they are actually the same point size. Lastly, the author touches on contrast. It is always important to make sure that your text contrasts well with the background. The book gives us a couple pointers such as the fact that black text on a white background promotes the best readability. I have learned tons of new things since I started reading this book. Super neat! One thing the book doesn’t cover though is the fact that different fonts can send different messages. The following YouTube video talks a little bit about that.