Respect & Responsibility

Those are two very strong words when it comes to the world of art and ingenuity. When it comes down to it, one of the biggest driving factors that inspires creativity is the incentive of recognition. I’m very sure that it would be completely devastating to spend countless hours, days, weeks, months, or years on a new project or piece of art, just to have someone else copy it and take all of the credit for it. I kindly ask anyone reading this to put themselves in that person’s shoes. Just imagine for a moment what that would feel like. It is absolutely inhumane if you ask me.

To be honest, I was very disrespectful and inconsiderate in the creative realm myself before taking these classes. I suppose I just hadn’t ever stopped to think about the fact that using copyrighted music in my video projects was rude, wrong, illegal, and disrespectful. I’m glad that I can see that now today and act accordingly. After all, if we don’t practice good ethics and let all responsibility go out the window, the incentive of recognition becomes compromised. With that jeopardized, the flame of inspiration may be short-lived in what could’ve or would’ve been potential new artists.

Proposal – The 4PA Story


(May come up with better title later)

A ten minute documentary that introduces the founder of 4PA, Joe DeScala, tells his story, explains what 4PA is all about, the impact it has had on the community, and goes over how to join the effort and contribute to the cause.




Port Angeles is a beautiful area. If we all pitch in and work together, we can ensure that it stays that way.

Background & Need

The Port Angeles local non-profit organization, 4PA, has been around for a bit now. Their goal: to clean up the trash and other items left behind in places where the unsheltered have set up camp. They also want to help these unsheltered individuals gain access to basic services and eventually housing to get them out of that situation in the first place. However, I believe a lot of residents of the area still might not be very familiar with what is how and how it operates. I truly believe it is a much needed asset to the local community and I can only hope that my documentary production can be used to inform, educate, and inspire others to volunteer and/or donate to the cause. Port Angeles needs this. This town has changed so much since I was a child. It’s time to make Port Angeles the clean and safe town we know it can be.

Approach, Form, & Style

This short documentary will be composed of a few different pieces and perspectives. First, we will hear Joe DeScala’s story. We will hear what inspired him to start this all in the first place. We will also hear from him about what all it entails and what it takes to keep this thing moving. Then we will hear from other board members, employees, and/or volunteers. I hope to be able to interview volunteers and donors and hear from them about how rewarding those things can be. Lastly, if I am able to find a willing subject, I would really like to hear from an individual that they have helped find housing and other services. A 4PA success story if you will. I’m hoping I could get their perspective as well. I hope that 4PA will be able to use my production to promote themselves and inspire others to join, volunteer, and/or donate to the cause.

Shooting Schedule

May 8-19, 2023

Concept, development, and writing

May 20-21, 2023

Filming in Port Angeles:

Interview with Joe DeScala

Interview with 1 other board member

Interview with employee

Interview with donor(s)

May 26, 2023

Rough Cuts

June 3-4, 2023

Filming in Port Angeles:

Interview with volunteer(s)

Film the cleanup process at job-site

June 5, 2023

Rough Cuts

June 5, 2023 – June 16, 2023


June 8, 2023

Submission of First Edit

June 11, 2023

Submission of Second Edit

June 16, 2023

Submission of Final Video


Hourly Rate…………………………………….$60

6 hours total filming…………………..…….$360

15 hours total editing……………………….$900

1 hour travel time…………………………….$60

4 hours concept & development………$240

Total hourly charges…………………………$1620

Miscellaneous Expenses

Lapel Mic and cord………………………..$15

Total Film Budget…………………….$1635

Audience, Marketing, & Distribution

Upon completion of the video, I plan to share it to my personal social media accounts and give a copy to 4PA so that they can distribute it in the manner they choose. I hope to create a product that they wish to post on their own social media accounts. I believe it will be a useful marketing tool for them.


Jesse Seward is a lifelong resident of the Port Angeles area. He has had a passion for video production and multimedia in general since he was in middle school. He is also a current student in Peninsula College’s Multimedia Communications Program. He works for the local company, Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction and handles all of their digital media products as well.


Release forms will be required for all individuals shown in the film.


Jesse Seward

Proposal – A Local Success Story


A Local Success Story

A five minute documentary that covers the history of the Hermann Brothers and their Port Angeles company.




Hermann Brothers is one of the biggest, most successful companies on the Olympic Peninsula. Let’s find out why.

Background & Need

The Hermanns started out as chicken farmers 70 years ago. Today they own a fleet of 140 commercial vehicles. The company has grown exponentially in the last several years. Producing a documentary about that will give them the opportunity to tell their story and explain what they did to accomplish that. This may also be used as a marketing tool to appeal to local residents that hold commercial driver licenses and inspire them to apply with Hermann Brothers for a driving position.

Approach, Form, & Style

This video will mostly consist of old photographs, old video footage, interviews, and narration. An interview with Bill Hermann will tell most of the story.

Shooting Schedule

May 8-19, 2023

Concept, development, and writing

May 25-26, 2023

Filming in Port Angeles:

Interview with Bill Hermann

Interview with Mike Hermann (possibly?)

Interview with Fred Hermann

May 27, 2023

Rough Cuts

May 29 – June 2, 2023

Filming in Port Angeles:

Filming at the Hermann Family Farm

Filming at the Hermann Brothers Yard

Filming at the truck shop

Filming at the wood chipping plant

Filming of the trucks on the road

June 5, 2023

Rough Cuts

June 5, 2023 – June 16, 2023


June 8, 2023

Submission of First Edit

June 11, 2023

Submission of Second Edit

June 16, 2023

Submission of Final Video


Hourly Rate…………………………………….$60

4 hours total filming…………………..…….$240

8 hours total editing……………………….$400

2 hour travel time…………………………….$120

3 hours concept & development………$180

Total hourly charges…………………………$1000

Miscellaneous Expenses

Lapel Mic and cord………………………..$15

Total Film Budget…………………….$1015

Audience, Marketing, & Distribution

Upon completion of the video, I plan to share it to both my own personal social media accounts and the company’s social media accounts. I will more than likely post it on the company website as well.


Jesse Seward is a lifelong resident of the Port Angeles area. He has had a passion for video production and multimedia in general since he was in middle school. He is also a current student in Peninsula College’s Multimedia Communications Program. He works for the local company, Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction and handles all of their digital media products as well.


Release forms will be required for all individuals shown in the film.


Jesse Seward

Ingenuity at its Finest

The Lift n Go is a neat little device that allows truck drivers to over inflate their air ride suspension so that it is easier for them to hook up to trailers instead of spending a long time cranking landing gear and potentially injuring themselves.

Ingenuity at its Finest


Ingenuity Project


Steve Reifenstahl

STEVE: Tired of finding trailers that were dropped to high?

Shows him trying to hook up to trailer that is too high.

STEVE: Well, not anymore. This is the Lift n Go. Just push the button and watch ‘er go!

Shows the air bags inflating so that that truck sits high enough to hook the fifth wheel now.

On-screen graphics will talk about what it does and how it prevents shoulder injuries.

Shows Steve spending a long time cranking landing gear and hurts his shoulder.


Jesse Seward

Size Matters!

I want to start off by saying “100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People” is probably one of the most interesting books I have ever read. It’s a blessing when you are very interested in and intrigued by a textbook. It is so much easier to absorb the information and get as much out of it as possible! The section where the author is discussing the use of fonts covers several different reason why fonts matter and what they do for reader retention.

First off, the simplicity of the font allows the reader to easier recognize patterns in letters, words, and sentences. A lot of what we are doing when we are reading is actually just pattern recognition! For example, cursive can take longer to read because it may be harder for someone to recognize patterns compared to arial. It is also believed that if the font is harder to read, than the reader tends to perceive things such as written instructions for tasks to actually be harder to accomplish than if the font were more easily readable.

The author also states that we should keep font size in mind. They explain differing perceived font sizes due to the x-height of the font. This is the height of the lowercase letter x. This can vary between fonts and make them appear to be different sizes when they are actually the same point size. Lastly, the author touches on contrast. It is always important to make sure that your text contrasts well with the background. The book gives us a couple pointers such as the fact that black text on a white background promotes the best readability. I have learned tons of new things since I started reading this book. Super neat! One thing the book doesn’t cover though is the fact that different fonts can send different messages. The following YouTube video talks a little bit about that.

“Caffeine” Production

This was originally a video I had created for a different project in a different class, but it fits the bill! I asked myself, “What motivates me?” While there were more important things such as fatherhood, happiness, financial stability, and so on, I have to remember that none of those things would even be possible in the first place without caffeine! Therefore, I made a few tweaks to this video for this project. Here are the storyboards for it. There was no script since there wasn’t actually any dialogue.

Storyboard 1 of 2
Storyboard 2 of 2

Inspirational Education

Here are three documentaries that I found to be inspiring. The first is titled, “The God Delusion”, by evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins. In the film, Dawkins sets out on an adventure to document the absurdities of religion as we know it. He interviews preachers, priests, televangelists, creationist activists, and more. I think I have Richard Dawkins to thank for what I would call a revelation. It is his works that helped me get to where I stand today as far as theological views are concerned.

Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion

Another documentary I loved, was Neil Degrasse Tyson’s take on Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos”. I spent countless hours watching this series when it first came out. I do remember receiving harsh backlash from religious groups, which I found interesting. It wasn’t just the content of the series that was intriguing, it was also the way it was delivered. Neil Degrasse Tyson was very inspirational in his presentation. Even at 30 years old, he made me want to run out and pursue a degree in astrophysics. It wasn’t until today that I discovered he actually made another follow up to it as well in 2020. I will certainly be checking that out!!!

Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: Possible Worlds trailer

I couldn’t come up with a documentary about an inventor, artist, or leader that I had seen off the top of my head, but I did watch one recently about multiple different world leaders. It was a documentary about how the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. I found it very informative and it inspired me to stay more up to date on politics and current affairs. I’d also be lying if I said it didn’t inspire me to want to join the CIA, but let’s be realistic here.

HBO’s Agents of Chaos trailer