Respect on the Road

Respect on the Road


Jesse: Fun fact: semi-trucks cannot stop as fast as cars. I’ll be honest. I feel like our driver education system has a major flaw in it. They don’t take the extra time to educate student drivers about how air brake systems operate and how much more of a delay there is for a big rig to slow down.

As a truck driver myself, I can say that I’m literally astounded by how many people I have seen in my short career pull right out in front of me like they have a deathwish or something.

Bottom line is, respect trucks, respect their drivers, and always give them plenty of room on the road and don’t cut them off, unless you want to risk your life and the life of anyone else in your vehicle. Because if our 105,000 pound truck smashes into your 3,000 pound car, it’s not going to be pretty.


“Caffeine” Production

This was originally a video I had created for a different project in a different class, but it fits the bill! I asked myself, “What motivates me?” While there were more important things such as fatherhood, happiness, financial stability, and so on, I have to remember that none of those things would even be possible in the first place without caffeine! Therefore, I made a few tweaks to this video for this project. Here are the storyboards for it. There was no script since there wasn’t actually any dialogue.

Storyboard 1 of 2
Storyboard 2 of 2