Media 275 – Module 10 – Social Media Marketing Assessment

When it comes to being a metaliterate prosumer and a good digital citizen, I feel I have learned how to be responsible, respectful, and accountable in my methods of delivery and engagement on a social media level. I have learned how to do this using a variety of tools such as Facebook, Instagram, Blogging via WordPress, and so on.

I was already using WordPress to build and maintain the website for Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction. However, during this class, I have increased my knowledge and skill with the platform tenfold. I built my own personal blog with WordPress and incorporated some widgets into it as well as linked social media accounts. Now, I can write about something and share my feelings with my audience there as well as my audience on twitter. I can do this with the click of a button!

I am proud to say that since beginning this class, I have enriched and strengthened my social media marketing strategy and have created ads for Facebook, Instagram, and more, and had unbelievable results from it. I am directly and effectively interacting and engaging with a community of commercial truck drivers who may potentially be interested in coming to work for Hermann Brothers thanks to the insight I have gained from this course.

Hermann Bros. Facebook Ad

Media 275 – Module 10 – Weekly Essay

What Has Changed For Me?

I can’t say that a whole lot has changed for me since I started this course. I feel like I had already put in a lot of the work in my social media effort before this class. However, I feel that my knowledge has been expanded and my skills have been refined. I have learned how to use new social media platforms that I had no idea how to use before. Learning how to use these new platforms will help me expand my social media presence and audience.

During this course, I have also learned how to engage my audience and connect with them on a more effective level. I have learned new tools and techniques when it comes to my social media endeavors. I have learned that there is a difference between marketing and advertising, and what that difference is. I learned the importance of creating meaningful content for my audience instead of always trying to sell them something.

I must say that I learned a lot from the required textbooks for this course. I still have lots of reading to do in them both, but I have already learned how to use a template when creating a social media marketing strategy and how to build a unique blogging site with the power of WordPress. I am very thankful for all that I have learned in this course from the instructors, the classmates, and the readings!

Media 275 – Module 8 – Weekly Essay

“My Perception of Social Media”

My perception of social media has not changed much since taking this class, for the most part anyway. I was already well aware of the benefits and capabilities of having a strong social media presence and marketing strategy. However, I have learned of new various tools and methods to employ in my own personal strategy. I very much plan on using these tools in my management and strategy when it comes to the professional business accounts of Hermann Brothers.

Two main things I’d like to touch on. The first is blogging. I had no idea how useful of a tool blogging could be, or how it really even worked in the first place. Taking this course, along with Intro to Digital Video, has forced me to utilize WordPress and become an amateur blogger. By using this feature, in conjunction with the reading of the required textbooks, has taught me a lot and given me the drive and desire to keep blogging, even after I am done with the college courses.

In this class, I have also learned of many new social media platforms that I was not previously aware of. I have also learned about how they work and the benefits of using them. I am particularly interested in a few of these applications including, but not limited to, Twitter, Flipboard, and Pinterest. I am very excited to play around with these a little more once I have some more free time on my hands.